What is the largest franchise group in the US?
Can you please elaborate on the characteristics and size of the largest franchise group in the United States? Are they known for their diverse range of businesses or do they specialize in a particular industry? What sets them apart from other franchise groups, and what kind of financial stability and growth prospects do they offer to potential franchisees?
Who owns the franchise group Inc?
I'm curious to know who exactly owns the franchise group Inc. Is it a single individual, a group of investors, or perhaps a larger corporation? I'm interested in understanding the ownership structure and any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from it. Could you provide me with more information on the shareholders and their roles within the company? Additionally, how does the ownership structure affect the overall strategy and direction of the franchise group Inc.?
What does a franchise group do?
Can you explain what a franchise group's primary functions and responsibilities are? How does it operate and contribute to the success of a franchise business? What kind of support and resources does it provide to franchisees? And how does it ensure that the brand's standards and values are upheld across all locations?